ProLogue Three Reviews
"The vacuum tube-poweredProLogue 3 preamp makes an ideal companion to PrimaLuna’sProLogue 5 tube power amp. Like the power amp, the preamp combines traditional tube warmth and richness with a clear, crisp, pre-recommended products precise presentation reminiscent of the best solid-state designs.Bass, too, is taut and clear"
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"The kind of performance that lifts them above the competition."
-- HI-FI NEWS - Ken Kessler
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"If you think the ProLogue Two was good, wait until you hear these…"
-- HI-FI PLUS - Jimmy Hughes
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"For once, we have truth in advertising or promotional propaganda."
-- SIX MOONS - Srajan Ebaen
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"The ProLogue’s soundstage is grand, in all senses of that word."
-- THE ABSOLUTE SOUND- Sallie Reynolds
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"...another one out the park with great sound, great built quality, and dashing good looks. Highly recommended."
-- TONE AUDIO- Jeff Dorgay