EVO 300 Integrated Reviews
Whether you’re a music lover seeking emotional connection or an audiophile appreciating nuanced musicality, the EVO 300 offers a compelling choice that elevates your audio journey. For those who value the convergence of musicality and technical prowess, the PrimaLuna EVO 300 stands as a standout option in its category, offering a musical experience that transcends the ordinary and invites you to explore the depths of your favorite music!
"-- Elmar Salmutter - Fair Audio
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EVO 300 to wzmacniacz, którego koncepcja użytkowa budzi mój podziw. Nie znam drugiego tak wszechstronnego i elastycznego „lampowca”, którego codzienna obsługa sprowadzałaby się praktycznie do operowania dwoma przyciskami, tj. włącznikiem oraz przełącznikiem trybu pracy. Wymiana lamp jest dziecinnie łatwa i nie wiąże się z żadnymi ustawieniami (poza wyborem odpowiedniego prądu podkładu – wysokiego albo niskiego – za pomocą najprostszego w świecie przełącznika). Automatyczny BIAS, możliwość współpracy z wieloma lampami (w tym również takimi, których jeszcze nie ma!), dwa tryby wyraźnie wpływające na brzmienie – bez wątpienia EVO 300 zaprojektowano z myślą o maksymalnym wykorzystaniu możliwości, jakie dają szklane bańki. Udało się to znakomicie, więc rekomendacja jest w tym wypadku czystą formalnością.
"-- Marcin Gałuszka - HiFi Class Magazine
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By now you’ve gathered that the PrimaLuna EVO 300 is just the ticket for seasoned audiophiles with under-£4k budgets, and no desire to be constrained. Using it is a blast, especially if you have the will and the skill to try various valve types and (like me) revel in remote switching. The best news? The sound will satisfy anyone who loves vintage tube gear but doesn’t want to risk 40-year-old circuitry. It’s a triumph!
"-- hi-fi news - Ken Kessler & Paul Miller
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This is not a cheap system but you can spend considerably more and not find anything better made than this trio.
"-- HI-FI Choice Magazine, Ed Selley
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An absolute masterpiece in technique and musicality. Equipped with the aforementioned EL34 tubes, the EVO 300-i comes out at a price of 4,150 Euros. Great Class (A)
"-- HVT Magazine - John van der Veer (ENG)
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De aanzet, dynamiek en detaillering die je in het hele middengebied mag ervaren blijft toch iets heel bijzonders bij buizenversterkers en de EVO 300-i toont zich hierin een ware meester. Smoorverliefd en hartverwarmend, ik kan het niet ontkennen. Je hoort het met name bij de aanzet van de strijkers, de dictie van de zang en, surprise, de breedte van Q-sound. Echt geweldig.
"-- HVT Magazine, John van der Veer
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The Evolution 300’s price puts it in direct competition with some very highly regarded solid state amps, some of which I have been lucky enough to have had in my system, and I think it more than holds it own against any of them
"-- Chris Kelly, Critic Magazine
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-- Dominique Mafrand, Haute Fidélité
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PrimaLuna EVO 300 is a finely developed valve amplifier that comes with EL34 power output valves as standard. Delivering 40W in ultra-linear mode, it has strong bass and powerful sound, plus superb lucidity valves are known for. It got a big thumbs up from all in the office. A great sounding amplifier, one that will keep you listening - well worth an audition. Verdict: 5/5 OUTSTANDING - amongst the best
"-- Noel Keywood, Hi-Fi World Magazine
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PrimaLuna EVO 300 Tube Integrated Amplifier once again confirmed its leading position in my imaginary ranking of amplifiers in the "economic" price category. Its ability to portray music with excellent detail, airiness, tonal balance and solidity, in short, naturalness, is boundless. Moreover, I appreciate the only minimal character signature, which is otherwise known as electron. I'm not looking for warmth, pastel tonality, or exaggerated subtlety in the sound. All I care about is neutrality and fidelity - for me, these are the linked, inseparable vessels that make listening to reproduced music the true pleasure. And for a long time I have had these, for me absolutely essential, definitions associated with the name PrimaLuna.
"-- Viktor Kubal - Watt Audio Magazine
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