EVO 100 Phono Reviews
The PrimaLuna EVO 100 Phono Preamplifier is simply a dream phono preamplifier for all music lovers looking for emotion, luscious colors, and even stereotypical musicality in their record collections
"-- Marcin Olszewski - SoundRebels Magazine Poland
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If you are looking for a world-class tube phono preamplifier with time travel abilities, then look no further. A high-quality product from a high-quality company.
"-- Grant Familton - Witch Doctor New Zealand!
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Only rarely does equipment come here for a review that I do not want to send home at the end of its visit. The PrimaLuna EVO 100 Phono Preamplifier wrote its name on that list, winning both my head and my heart with its glorious glowing presence on the rack and magnificent musical performance. It deserves a place on every aspiring audiophile’s list for an audition – it will take a remarkable phono stage at that price to get the better of it.
"-- Chris Kelly - Hifi + Magazine
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MC ausschließlich mit Röhren? Das geht – und wie! Primaluna beiweist, dass man so große, schimmernde und wohligeinhüllende Klangbilder mit prächtgem Fundament erzeugen kann. Ein echtes Genießerstück!
"-- Hifitest.de Magazine
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This superlative phonostage is bound to elevate your vinyl playback experience to new heights. It has certainly magnified my enjoyment to the point where I just could not stop listening to vinyl. I can’t think of higher praise than that. It is so good that, for now, I see no reason to spend more on a phonostage. It is without a doubt a sonic masterpiece!
"-- Dick Olsher - The Absolute Sound Magazine USA
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I've never heard that instrument sound as stirring as it did on that record through the PrimaLuna, playing in the air between my speakers like an apparition and roiling my body with goosebumps!
"-- Stereophile Magazine USA - Alex Halberstadt
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Wer eine schnörkellose Phono-Vorstufe mit praxisgerechter Ausstattung und ohne viel Schnickschnack sucht, wird mit dem PrimaLuna EVO 100 Tube Phono Preamplifier perfekt bedient. Dieses puristische Röhrengerät wurde mit viel Liebe zum technischen Detail und großem Röhren-Sachverstand auf maximale Klangqualität getrimmt. Kurzum: Diese Phono-Vorstufe besticht durch ein schwer zu übertreffendes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, und sie hat mich klanglich völlig begeistert!
"-- Carsten Bussler - Hifistatement
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A sublime sense of reality
"-- Jeff Dorgay and Chris Harr - TONEAudio USA
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Hij was 20 jaar in de maak, maar Herman van den Dungen en Jan de Groot leveren met de EVO100 Tube Phono Preamplifier een buizen-phonotrap af die de naam PrimaLuna met trots mag dragen, en die het andere phonotrappen in zijn prijsklasse aardig moeilijk zal kunnen maken.
"-- Max Delissen - HIFI.NL
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PrimaLuna has, again, bridged the gap between mid-level and high-end with a superb, and – despite my two reservations – versatile phono stage which will be adored by those who prefer all-valve components. Not hybrid, not solid-state, but all-tube and with so much warmth and air that its sound can only be described as ‘cosseting’. Fans of the brand – and I still use a Mk I ProLogue Two – are gonna love this.
"-- Ken Kessler & Paul Miller - Hi-Fi News Magazine UK
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It was 20 years in the making, but with the EVO100, Herman van den Dungen and Jan de Groot have created a tube phono stage that can bear the PrimaLuna name with pride. And I think it will give other phono stages in its price range a hard time.
"-- Max Delissen - HIFI.NL
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