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Review PrimaLuna EVO 100 Tube Preamplifier by SoundRebels Magazine Poland
We are proud to report that Mr Marcin Olszewski of SoundRebels Magazine in Poland has extensively tested our PrimaLuna EVO 100 Tube Preamplifier.
Among other things, he says:
“The PrimaLuna EVO 100 Phono Preamplifier is simply a dream phono preamplifier for all music lovers looking for emotion, luscious colors, and even stereotypical musicality in their record collections.”
You can read the entire review ( in Polish ) through the link below.
We would like to thank SoundRebels Magazine for testing our EVO 100 Tube Phono Preamplifier.
Also we would like to thank our distributor in Poland, Audio Fast, for making the review possible.
If you live in Poland? And you are interested in experiencing our EVO 100 Tube Phono Preamp? Then click on the link below for a list of PrimaLuna dealers in Poland.